lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Ascii code

1) what is it ?
2) What is it used for?
3) ASCII art- example
4) ASCII games- url

1) It is a very well-known fact that computers can manage internally only 0s (zeros) and 1s (ones). This is true, and by means of sequences of 0s and 1s the computer can express any numerical value as its binary translation, which is a very simple mathematical operation (as explained in the paper numerical bases).Nevertheless, there is no such evident way to represent letters and other non-numeric characters with 0s and 1s. Therefore, in order to do that, computers use ASCII tables, which are tables or lists that contain all the letters in the Roman alphabet plus some additional characters. In these tables each character is always represented by the same order number. For example, the ASCII code for the capital letter "A" is always represented by the order number 65, which is easily representable using 0s and 1s in binary: 65 expressed as a binary number is 1000001.

2) Knowing ASCII codes allows you to insert a character that is not found on your keyboard.
Examples Word include: ™ ¾ ®
3) Art is the art of drawing diagrams and pictures using the 'ASCII' character set. ASCII stands for 'American Standard Code for Information Interchange'. In simple terms, it is drawing pictures with the characters of a keyboard or typewriter. Since it is done using a typewriter or a computer, obviously it's not usually coloured. But some of the ASCII art on my page is coloured because of someone named 'Joan Stark' - who took the time to colour it with html code. :-) ASCII art can be used in e-mail by 'copying and pasting' it into the e-mail.

Example: _,.,
,' ,'
/ ,'
/ ,
/ ,
/ '
/ ,'





__ ,-.
__' ,' /
_,.-' ',_,' o /
/ 8888 /
1 /
`L 8888 /
/ ==== \
/ ____ \
/ (____) o \
/ o \
/ o ,'
/ _,.'^
/ __,.-"~^
',,..--~~^ Ryan Schenk
Gibson Explorer (Gothic Series)

ASCII-GAMES strives to inspire the play and creation of ASCIIbased text games particularly under the UNIX operating system,and most particularly on the SDF Public Access UNIX System.

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